Gift for the Day
We take so many things for granted. We look but we don't really "see" much of the time. We are so focused on the chatter inside of our head or the chatter on the cell phone we continually hold to our ear that we become blind and deaf to things and people around us.
And yet, God has planned so many things and people for us to experience, so many miracles of life each and every day - gifts that are ours for the "opening". Sometimes we become blinded by prejudice and pride and so our vision narrows. We see things and people through a veil of preconceived notions and opinions.
We need to practice the truths in the hymn, "Open My Eyes That I May See Glimpses of Truth Thou Hast For Me." We need to "see" the things and people around us that God has gifted to us. We need to accept the gifts!
So each day look for a "special gift" that God has provided for you - a sunrise, a bird, a smile, a traffic jam (to slow down), a telephone call. It is like a treasure hunt each day to discover "that gift" to you from God.
Try keeping a list of your "Gift of the Day". You will be amazed at what you may have missed if you hadn't been "looking".
My Gifts
Nov. 22 - My gift yesterday was a call from son, Dan, and hearing him talk about the great week he had had celebrating the 15th anniversary of the International Space Station, and seeing many of his friends that he has worked with over the last 27 years, including several of the astronauts. And then watching the related videos about the building of the ISS and the many advancements in science that has been and will be made through the research in the ISS. We are proud of you, Dan - What a career!
Nov. 19 - God gave me a gift yesterday. As I was driving in Lake Arrowhead, a brilliant flash of color in a yard caught my eye. A maple tree looked like "the burning bush". It was not just a red, but a Christmas red with the full light of the sun on it. It made me catch my breath, it was so beautiful. It reminded me of the poem I wrote a few nights ago called: "Colors"
Winter white and Spring green,
And all the colors in between.
Fall orange and Summer gold,
The soft pastels and the intense bold.
God gave us an infinite number,
From bright reds to solemn umber,
Colors we could never recreate,
Colors to soothe, inspire and stimulate.
We are thankful for this beautiful earth,
For all the things God has given birth,
For those people who color our day,
Adding brightness to the gray.
Nov. 15 - All of Lake Arrowhead are given the gift of wonderful, skilled and dedicated First Responders, EMT's and firemen. We had to call 911 again yesterday for my Mother. They were here immediately, very responsive and kind. What a comfort it is to know that competent help is so close.
Nov. 13 - What a cozy gift last night - the air outside cold & crisp, the wind howling and here we are sitting in front of a nice cozy fire (thanks, Dan) playing Rummy. Our first fire of the season!
Nov. 12 - My gift yesterday was a Turkey Vulture - two actually. They were eating some road kill. I know that sounds gross but they were doing us a favor and being part of God's plan. It seems God created everything for a purpose, including us. It's hard to imagine the grand purpose for some creatures, such as mosquitoes, gnats and no-see-ums that irritate us so but then we're not God and don't know everything. And maybe, just maybe, He enjoys "just getting under our skin" once in a while. (see my photo of a Turkey Vulture in flight on "Photos of God's World" page)
Nov. 11 - My gift yesterday was babysitting with my 7-week-old great granddaughter, Scout. I am so thankful that I can be there and watch her change and develop new skills. She is such a good baby and makes the funniest faces. (See pictures on "Photos of God's World" page)
Nov. 9 - My gift yesterday was a surprise lunch my mother planned to celebrate our anniversary. Scott, Ben and Dick Dowis came and Scott and Ben even picked up the food and brought it. We had a good time, as usual. Mother even wrote a little poem for us:
"There's this couple named Dan & Carolyn
That got hitched up a long time ago.
In fact, it's almost 50 years,
A few to come and go.
Dan didn't know he
He married not one but two.
'I promise to be true to both of you.'
They moved around a lot.
And she followed all the way -
In fact, she's still here today,
Looks like she's here to stay.
Some things you cannot change.
That's the way it has to be
With my mother -- and me.
Nov. 7 - Forty Nine years ago today Dan and I were married in Lincoln, Ne. How can that many years have passed? Since this was the second marriage for both of us and we weren't youngsters, we never even thought about celebrating this many anniversaries. God has blessed us and given us many years together. Those years have brought many smiles, tears, love and laughter but is better every year. Love is a gift from God - I love you, Dan. (Go to "Photos of God's World" page to see a photo of us in 1964)
Nov. 6 - My gift yesterday was shared by thousands of people as we marveled at the glorious sunset. It truly was spectacular as it covered the entire sky, reflecting on all the banks of clouds. The clouds were an unusual pattern of tiny ripples and the sun reflected gold on each one of those ripples. People were stopping all over to take pictures and, of course, I was one of them. Truly a gift, God, thank you. (see pictures on "Photos of God's World" page)
Nov. 5 - A gift this morning is looking out the sunroom window as I sit at my computer. The Dogwood tree is a beautiful site; well shaped with beautiful branches covered with rose-red leaves - a tree I planted many years ago, it is much larger than most dogwoods. Back of the dogwood are the yellow leaves of a poplar, the orange of the sumac, the green of the holly tree, the red of the maple, etc. All framed by a blue sky sprinkled with soft, puffy clouds. What a privilege and blessing to live here where the beauty surrounds us every day of the year. (see photos of what I am looking at on "Photos of God's World" page.
Nov. 4 - My gift yesterday was being at Scott's for his birthday. AND to see Scout and see how she has grown - a precious child. See pictures on "Photos of God's World" page.
Nov. 3 - My precious gift today is Scott's birth-day. He is such a joy and delight. I am so proud of all his achievements and his desire to make this world a better place as he travels to countries that put him in personal danger. He has a great sense of humor and we have a great time chatting about various things and issues and often end up trying to top each other with nonsensical rhymes, puns, etc. He has a kind and generous heart. Thank you, God, for Scott.
Nov. 2 - There were gifts all over the woods yesterday - a tree that looked like it was yawning wide, a beautiful old dead oak whose bare limbs contrasted to the blazing color behind it, a brilliant red leaf with a hole in it showing the green behind it, the intricate design of yellow fern leaves. Go to "Photos of God's World" page to see pictures of these and more.
Nov. 1 - My gift yesterday presented itself in the waiting room of the doctor's office. Mother and I were sitting close to an older couple (in their 80's) who were holding hands. The man was quite friendly and talkative and asked about my crocheting. We began talking and I asked if they had been married a long time. The woman, who was sitting quietly by his side with a little smile, said, "Just six weeks". Then the man told how they had both been widowed for years and met in a grocery store just a few months ago. I said that they looked very happy and she sweetly looked at him and said, "We are." He went on to tell about how he got the courage to start talking with her. It was a very touching story.
Oct. 31 - A gift this morning - the golden glow of the trees on the mountain across the road. This time of year, when the rising sun hits them they take on a brilliant glow that is breathtaking. Each morning they get more and more beautiful. See pictures on "Photos of God's World" page.
Oct. 30 - My gift yesterday was being able to capture just a little of the beauty slowing emerging in the trees. Every day there is more color as the mountain takes on the full range of God's colors. Such beauty and what a gift to live here in the midst of it all. To see some of my photos of the colors, go to "Photos of God's World" page.
Oct. 29 - Scott brought my gifts yesterday - 1. himself whom we haven't seen in awhile 2. An ornamental pepper plant he dug out of his garden. It has beautiful little red peppers on all over it and blooms for more. 3. And a gorgeous Maidenhair Fern (Pictures on Photos of God's World page).
Oct. 28 - My gift yesterday was having the day to rest, relax and recuperate from the craft show the day before. That may be my last "big" show with everything. "This ol' mare ain't what she used to be". Loading, unloading, loading, unloading and standing for literally 8 hours took it's toll this time. I appreciated the help of my husband and the staff at the club, they were great! It was fun showing (and selling) my crafts, seeing old friends and meeting new people.
Oct. 26 - My gift today is being able to participate in the Lake Arrowhead Fall Fest Art and Craft Show. It's a lot of work and preparation but fun to "show" all my handiwork. I wonder if people will like my new Glass Tabletop and Glass Yard and Patio Art?????
Oct. 24 - My special gift yesterday was my husband helping me get ready for the craft show. He volunteered to fix the stakes for the glass yard art. I love it when he "volunteers" for things. He's such a handyman! (See more photos of the yard art on "Photos of God's World" page)
Oct. 23 - My gift yesterday was a visit with Adam, Katy and, yes - Scout who was 4 weeks old that day. Mother and Dan got to see her for the first time. We had a hard time taking turns in holding her, no one wanted to give her up. She is such a good baby and and Adam and Katy are great parents. See pictures on "Photos of God's World' page.
Oct. 21 - My gift yesterday was attending our church service - great sermon, wonderful music, warm fellowship and the presence of God - doesn't get better than that!!
Oct. 20 - Every day my 92 year-old mother, Trudy who lives with us, looks forward to playing Rummy. So every evening, Dan, I and Mother play Rummy (Of course, we enjoy it too). It is very competitive and we all want to win, but I love seeing her expression when she wins. Her whole face changes and her eyes light up! We are very blessed to have these times with her - a gift!
Oct. 19 - I talked to the nicest young clerk in a store yesterday. He was very helpful, friendly and concerned about wrapping my glass purchases so they wouldn't break. Thank God for those clerks who want to do a great job and really be of service to the customers. And especially for the young people who are working and have such a good work ethic.
Oct. 18 - My gift yesterday was watching the beauty come out as I created my new craft, Glass Yard Art! It is so exciting to watch something (or someone) BECOMING something more and changing as different piece are added or subtracted. They are so beautiful! (Pictures later) Thanks to Jenny, my niece who got me started on this.
Oct. 17 - A great gift yesterday at our P.E.O. meeting. We heard a report about the International Convention in Dallas last month and learned that our international organization surpassed last year in the amount of scholarships awarded to women in pursuit of their education - millions $$. (See more pictures of the Texas trip on "Pictures of God's World" page)
Oct. 16 - We're back from a week in Texas to visit son, Dan and grandsons, Bobby & John. We are so thankful to be able to travel and spend time "on their turf" and meet their friends. It is a great gift to share the lives of those we love. See pictures on "Pictures of God's World" page.
Oct. 7 - My gift yesterday was being able to attend church, share the fellowship, music and hear a wonderful sermon by Rev. Tim Emmett. He talked about how embracing anger can separate us from God. We all may experience it but dwelling or acting on it, is actually a sin. I think his message probably touched everyone there. Photos of our church: go to PHOTOS OF GOD'S WORLD page.
Oct. 6 - Yesterday while walking my dog in the woods I saw this incredible sight. There was this large stump with jagged edges at the top all covered in green moss. There was an opening in the top of the stump and one side of the stump was open. The sun was streaming down through the top opening pouring light to the interior of the stump making it look, for all the world, like it was lit up. The interior looked like a lighted cathedral - thus, The Cathedral Stump! I couldn't quit looking at it and taking pictures. It was a gift that only I saw yesterday, so glad I passed that way and received my gift. Pictures of it on page: Photos of God's World.
Oct. 5 - My gift yesterday and for the last 55 years is son, Dan. He has been a joy and pleasure for all those years since I first held him as a newborn in the hospital with his little blond crew cut. Happy Birthday, Dan.
Oct. 2 - My gift yesterday was discovering these brilliant yellow fungi inside a log just below our deck. They were stacked liked dinner plates and about that large. I assume they are "Chicken of the Woods". Nature is full of wonderful surprises. They just wait for us to discover and enjoy them. God has such an imagination! Go to www.facebook.com to see photos.
Sept. 30 - Pictures of Scout, go to Page: Photos of God's World
Sept. 29 - I did! I saw little Scout yesterday and got to hold her for over two hours while she slept. She loves me, I can tell. Well, anyway, she is a very good baby, sleeps a lot but when she's awake, she is very alert. Those little bright eyes look like they are taking in everything. And, she has a dimple - just like Katy. It's a joy to see Adam and Katy with her. They are great parents! A precious gift!
Sept. 28 - I am so excited. I am going to see my great granddaughter, Scout, today for the first time. I can hardly wait to hold her. The gift of babies and the deep love they stir in our innermost being is beyond compare!
Sept. 26 - What a great week! The birth of a new great granddaughter - Scout Kinsley Meacham, daughter of grandson Adam Meacham and Katy Malmquist. She, of course, is beautiful. We are hoping that she has Adam's beautiful russet hair and Katy's stunning big eyes.
That was Tues. Wed. I went back to the Infectious Disease doctor. When I had seen him 5 weeks prior, he confirmed that I did have this severe bacterial lung infection and would need to be on 3 different antibiotics for 12-16 months, some with dire side effects (permanent blindness being one of them). I had said I didn't want to do anything at that time and felt that maybe the Lord had healed my lung at the same time he healed the fracture in my arm in a week. So last week I had another CAT scan and saw the doctor yesterday for the results.
He was smiling and said, "Good news, Carolyn. It is much better. In fact, it is almost gone, nothing to worry about. And I have to tell you, that this particular infection does NOT heal on its own, it must be treated, so I don't know why yours is better." I told him it did not heal on it's own, that the Lord did it. He just smiled and nodded his head.
Thank you, God, for all of your many blessings.
Sept. 25 - There's no doubt what my gift yesterday was - The birth of my great granddaughter, Scout Kirsten Meacham. That's five generations in our family. Adam and I discussed how miraculous it is to feel this incredibly strong love and attachment immediately with your child and your child's child and your grandson's child. I'm so glad that God planned it that way.
Sept. 22 - EVERYTHING enjoyed and appreciated the rain yesterday, but this morning the Mourning Doves also enjoyed and soaked up the sunshine. What a beautiful sight to see them settle down on the warm pebbles and spread their exquisitely patterned wings so the sun can get to them. They stay that way for the longest time. Such a gift!
Sept. 21 - It's raining! It's raining! A wonderful slow steady rain since this morning. All my plants needed it so badly and I was getting really tired of watering, watering, every day, dragging those hoses around. Besides, I love to hear the rain and smell the freshness of it. There is something so comforting and cozy about it (unless it goes on for days at a time or causes flooding like they've had in Colo.)
Sept. 20 - Today is the due date for Katy but no baby yet. If she doesn't decide to make her appearance before Mon. night, they will induce labor. I can hardly wait to see little Scout and to see Adam with her! Prayers for an easy birth and good health.
Sept. 19 - Yesterday brought a pleasant gift. I was just leaving my house and came to the top of this hill, fortunately not going very fast. A doe was leisurely crossing the road. I stopped the car, she stopped right close in front of my car, turned her head and looked at me intently. We were just eye to eye for the longest time. Then she turned her head back in the direction she was headed and leisurely proceeded across the road. I just sat there, still entranced by her gaze and wondered what she was thinking. I know I was thankful for the moment.
Sept. 16 - Spots of color in the trees - a red leaf here and there that catches the eye. Why do some leaves turn so much earlier than all the rest? But I'm glad they do. It's an early touch of beauty, just a little hint of what is just around the corner - all those vibrant colors of fall that I love so much.
Sept. 15 - My gift yesterday was picking the last four tomatoes on the vines. They weren't large but perfectly round, a rich deep red without a blemish. And they made a delicious, mouth-watering tomato sandwich for lunch. I will miss my fresh tomatoes but what a treat to have them over the summer (once again, thanks to Scott).
Sept. 14 - TWO gifts yesterday - visits from two of my children, Susan and Scott. Susan has so many responsibilities she doesn't get up here often so we thoroughly enjoyed seeing her. Scott was here to "work" as he often does. And, as usual, he moved rocks - I'm talking BIG rocks - to outline a new area to my flower bed. It's amazing to see how much he can move. And the new bed is really nice and will be beautiful next spring when I plant it. So many gifts - truly blessed!
Sept. 13 - I had a "special" gift yesterday. When I got up from my computer my eye caught a bright color outside the window. This beautiful golden leaf was caught between two trees in a cobweb, suspended there, gently moving and turning in the breeze with the sun spotlighting it from behind. It was like a beautiful ballet without the music. I grabbed my camera and took several pictures, turned around to get my other camera and when I turned back around, it was gone. This beautiful performance lasted only a minute or so and I was the privileged audience. Thank you, God, for all the unexpected wonders of your universe.
Sept. 12 - I was so moved yesterday to see all the beautiful tributes to the heroes and the families of 9-11. As a people and a nation we value the life of each individual and are notoriously and historically patriotic. I am still proud to be an American and so thankful that God gave me the gift of being born in this country.
Sept. 11 - A day to remember and to be thankful for what we have TODAY. I am so thankful for three wonderful loving, caring children. They are all making such a positive difference in this world. For instance, today Dan is hosting a Memorial Service for his best friend who died, Scott has gone to Ne. to see his 100 year-old grandmother, and Susan is probably working on her program to help the lives of inmates and dogs in her Canine Cellmates program.
Sept. 10 - My gift on Sun. was talking with my 17 year old grandson, John Jacobs. He is such a fine young man and we are so proud of him. He loves his government class and thinks he wants to enter politics. That is quite a challenge these days but we need good, honest, dedicated, knowledgeable people to run our government. John fits the bill!
Sept. 9 - I know this is weird, but I love to dig weeds; I love to see how much better it looks when I am done but I also just love to dig weeds. Maybe it is the experience of being close to the earth and getting my hands in the soil, maybe I get strength from that closeness. One things I know - it is therapeutic for me. If I am stressed, sad, frustrated or angry if I can get out for awhile and work in the yard, I just feel better. I'll bet you never thought of weeds as a gift - Yes, they can be.
Sept. 8 - My gift this morning is watching a large spider outside my window as he rides the web in the breeze and miraculously enlarges it spinning, spinning, spinning. The designs are intricate and beautiful as is the markings on his back.
Sept. 7 - Creating, creating, creating - that seems to be the mantra for my life. God gave me the gift of being able to see the possibilities in things and in people and I try to use that gift. It gives me great satisfaction and pleasure to see something "come into being". Is that how God felt when He created each of us? I wonder how He feels about each of us now!
Sept. 6 - My gift yesterday was hearing from so many different family members through a multitude of wonderful inventions - postal letter, telephone, email and Skype. We just use these things every day and don't give them much thought. Through all of these various modes of communication we are in touch with more people than we ever have been, we can hear their voices, read about their activities and thoughts, joys and concerns. What gifts these are.
Sept. 5 - My gift yesterday was seeing some of our beautiful flowers that are blooming right now. The Geraniums are gorgeous, with such intense colors. And the hummingbirds love them too.
Sept. 4 - My gift yesterday was Katy Huller, who was kind enough to come to the house and work with my friends,Lee and I on our websites. Aren't friends wonderful!!
Sept. 3 - I am so excited for son, Dan Jacobs. He is really making headway into showing and marketing his photography. Several gallery owners were amazed at his photography and are going to help him promote and show it. He has such a natural, gifted talent.
Sept. 2 - My gift yesterday was talking with Mom Jacobs (100 years old) in Ne. She sounded great and had spent the day at her daughter, Karen's where she had a great meal and good conversation. She is able to still stay in her own home (with help), read and beat any willing competitor at Pinochle! A Great Lady!
Aug. 31 - My gift yesterday was receiving a phone call from son, Scott, and learning that he is safe. He is in Baghdad helping their government during these very volatile, trying times. I am very proud of the work that he does and the sacrifices he's made to do it.
Aug. 30 - Got a card from Parisian friends, Sophie & Veronique who are vacationing at the family home in Normandy. It brought back memories of our visit there - the sun, the sea and "Aperitifs". What a charming place. It is always a gift to hear from those we love.
Aug. 29 - Books! Books! Books! Aren't they a blessing and a gift! I love going to our book club and hearing the different views and opinions about the book we just all read. Many of the books chosen by other members I would never have known about or read if I hadn't belonged to a book club. It is stimulating and has certainly expanded my knowledge and pleasure.
Aug. 27 - My gift yesterday was reading some of my mother's poetry that she wrote years ago, many of which she didn't remember writing. Some of the poems brought back memories of things she hadn't thought of in years. We had many good laughs over them. She has been blessed with a wild imagination and a great sense of humor. I am so thankful that we can share the memories and laughter.
Aug. 26 - I've had several gifts since Aug. 20 but my gift yesterday was attending church and hearing some great music sung by singer/guitarist, Geoff Reid and hearing Rev. Tim Emmett's moving sermon. Much of the service was centered on healing so I felt like it was "my service." My healing continues with my fracture and rotator cuff completely healed and my broken toe healed in two days. Praise the Lord!
Aug. 20 - My gift yesterday was being able to sew and decorate some new towels for our bathroom. Sewing has been a real joy over many, many years. I first started sewing when I was about seven years old, making clothes for my dolls, designing and fitting them. Then I graduated to making some of my clothes and then my children's. Thank you, Mother, for teaching me to sew.
Aug. 19 - My gift yesterday was Scott's visit (bringing lunch) to see us before he left for Bangkok and Baghdad today. I am proud of him for the work he does with countries who are struggling economically, but we are very concerned about his safety and pray for him every day.
Aug. 18 - What a treat to be with friends and celebrate Gloria Anderson's birthday. Friends are definitely a gift from God and relationships are what life is all about. The most important relationship is with our Creator!
Aug. 17 - My gift yesterday was seeing the email photos from son, Dan. They are strikingly gorgeous. He has such talent. I am so glad that he is pursuing sharing them with the world. Beauty should be shared and enjoyed!
Aug. 16 - Yesterday my Physical Therapist was amazed that I am not having any problem at all with my arm and shoulder that had the fracture and torn rotator cuff - full range of motion and strength. God did that even before I saw the P.T. What a gift!
Aug. 15 - My gift yesterday was feeling a little under the weather so just read most of the day. Aren't books a real gift, transporting you to exotic places, feeding your soul, or enriching your mind!
Aug. 14 - My gift yesterday and every day is our dog, Charlie. He is a delight, makes me feel special, and is just happy to be here. When he sees me in the morning, he begins wiggling from the tip of his tail up to his head until everything is moving. He reminds me that each new day is such a gift from God and that we should live every minute with an intense thankfulness - maybe even wiggle with delight! (See pictures on my Face book page)
Aug. 13 - My gift yesterday was receiving a phone call from son, Dan, learning that he arrived home safely after a canoe trip in Oregon and Washington. I'm anxious to see his beautiful photos.
Aug. 12 - My gift yesterday evening was playing cards with my mother and husband. Our rummy games can get pretty competitive but it is fun no matter who wins. It is just nice to spend time together.
Aug. 11 - My gift yesterday was being able to celebrate my grandson's, Adam, birthday with him. We are proud of the person he has become and wish him a wonderful future.
Aug. 10 - My gift yesterday was riding in the N. Georgia mountains, reminding me again of the beauty and intricacies of God's world. These old, old mountains seem to be filled with the rich, beautiful and tragic memories of the past - lessons to be learned if we will only listen.
Aug. 9 - My gift yesterday was playing cards and having fun with Mother, Dan, Bobby & Windy. What a gift it is to be able to enjoy doing things with your family. We have some wild games!
Aug. 8 - Many gifts yesterday - It was great listening to the experiences of Bobby, Windy and Dorothy tell about their mission experiences in the different countries. Thank God for such wonderful, dedicated people who are willing to let Him work through them to help so many others. We are so proud of Bobby. He is such a fine young man.
Aug. 6 - What a blessing to see our grandson, Bobby, again. And it was a real pleasure to meet his girlfriend, Windy, and his dog, Zoe. They are all such a pleasure to be around.
Aug. 5 - What a gift yesterday to go to Adam & Katy's baby shower and see the joy on their faces as they receive such lovely gifts from family & friends. (Go to my page on facebook to see photos of the shower)
Aug. 4 - My gift yesterday was a tiny little moth on the window. It was only about 1/2 in. in all. The body was white but the wings were almost invisible, transparent things of beauty. They had intricate webbing designs that became visible as one studied them. It was almost as if one touched them, they would dissolve from sight completely.
Aug. 3 - My gift yesterday was another call from grandson, Adam. He says he is going to call me every day for a month. How great is that! I love hearing about his daily activities, thoughts on things and just chatting in general. Thank you, God, for grandsons!
Aug. 2 - My gift yesterday was learning from my doctor that I do not have to have surgery. I do, indeed, have a fracture in the upper left arm with a bone chip, a slight tear in my rotator cuff and bursitis in my shoulder - all from my fall in May. However, the P.T. says I have full range of motion, strength and movement. So all that was very good news. Halleluiah!
We take so many things for granted. We look but we don't really "see" much of the time. We are so focused on the chatter inside of our head or the chatter on the cell phone we continually hold to our ear that we become blind and deaf to things and people around us.
And yet, God has planned so many things and people for us to experience, so many miracles of life each and every day - gifts that are ours for the "opening". Sometimes we become blinded by prejudice and pride and so our vision narrows. We see things and people through a veil of preconceived notions and opinions.
We need to practice the truths in the hymn, "Open My Eyes That I May See Glimpses of Truth Thou Hast For Me." We need to "see" the things and people around us that God has gifted to us. We need to accept the gifts!
So each day look for a "special gift" that God has provided for you - a sunrise, a bird, a smile, a traffic jam (to slow down), a telephone call. It is like a treasure hunt each day to discover "that gift" to you from God.
Try keeping a list of your "Gift of the Day". You will be amazed at what you may have missed if you hadn't been "looking".
My Gifts
Nov. 22 - My gift yesterday was a call from son, Dan, and hearing him talk about the great week he had had celebrating the 15th anniversary of the International Space Station, and seeing many of his friends that he has worked with over the last 27 years, including several of the astronauts. And then watching the related videos about the building of the ISS and the many advancements in science that has been and will be made through the research in the ISS. We are proud of you, Dan - What a career!
Nov. 19 - God gave me a gift yesterday. As I was driving in Lake Arrowhead, a brilliant flash of color in a yard caught my eye. A maple tree looked like "the burning bush". It was not just a red, but a Christmas red with the full light of the sun on it. It made me catch my breath, it was so beautiful. It reminded me of the poem I wrote a few nights ago called: "Colors"
Winter white and Spring green,
And all the colors in between.
Fall orange and Summer gold,
The soft pastels and the intense bold.
God gave us an infinite number,
From bright reds to solemn umber,
Colors we could never recreate,
Colors to soothe, inspire and stimulate.
We are thankful for this beautiful earth,
For all the things God has given birth,
For those people who color our day,
Adding brightness to the gray.
Nov. 15 - All of Lake Arrowhead are given the gift of wonderful, skilled and dedicated First Responders, EMT's and firemen. We had to call 911 again yesterday for my Mother. They were here immediately, very responsive and kind. What a comfort it is to know that competent help is so close.
Nov. 13 - What a cozy gift last night - the air outside cold & crisp, the wind howling and here we are sitting in front of a nice cozy fire (thanks, Dan) playing Rummy. Our first fire of the season!
Nov. 12 - My gift yesterday was a Turkey Vulture - two actually. They were eating some road kill. I know that sounds gross but they were doing us a favor and being part of God's plan. It seems God created everything for a purpose, including us. It's hard to imagine the grand purpose for some creatures, such as mosquitoes, gnats and no-see-ums that irritate us so but then we're not God and don't know everything. And maybe, just maybe, He enjoys "just getting under our skin" once in a while. (see my photo of a Turkey Vulture in flight on "Photos of God's World" page)
Nov. 11 - My gift yesterday was babysitting with my 7-week-old great granddaughter, Scout. I am so thankful that I can be there and watch her change and develop new skills. She is such a good baby and makes the funniest faces. (See pictures on "Photos of God's World" page)
Nov. 9 - My gift yesterday was a surprise lunch my mother planned to celebrate our anniversary. Scott, Ben and Dick Dowis came and Scott and Ben even picked up the food and brought it. We had a good time, as usual. Mother even wrote a little poem for us:
"There's this couple named Dan & Carolyn
That got hitched up a long time ago.
In fact, it's almost 50 years,
A few to come and go.
Dan didn't know he
He married not one but two.
'I promise to be true to both of you.'
They moved around a lot.
And she followed all the way -
In fact, she's still here today,
Looks like she's here to stay.
Some things you cannot change.
That's the way it has to be
With my mother -- and me.
Nov. 7 - Forty Nine years ago today Dan and I were married in Lincoln, Ne. How can that many years have passed? Since this was the second marriage for both of us and we weren't youngsters, we never even thought about celebrating this many anniversaries. God has blessed us and given us many years together. Those years have brought many smiles, tears, love and laughter but is better every year. Love is a gift from God - I love you, Dan. (Go to "Photos of God's World" page to see a photo of us in 1964)
Nov. 6 - My gift yesterday was shared by thousands of people as we marveled at the glorious sunset. It truly was spectacular as it covered the entire sky, reflecting on all the banks of clouds. The clouds were an unusual pattern of tiny ripples and the sun reflected gold on each one of those ripples. People were stopping all over to take pictures and, of course, I was one of them. Truly a gift, God, thank you. (see pictures on "Photos of God's World" page)
Nov. 5 - A gift this morning is looking out the sunroom window as I sit at my computer. The Dogwood tree is a beautiful site; well shaped with beautiful branches covered with rose-red leaves - a tree I planted many years ago, it is much larger than most dogwoods. Back of the dogwood are the yellow leaves of a poplar, the orange of the sumac, the green of the holly tree, the red of the maple, etc. All framed by a blue sky sprinkled with soft, puffy clouds. What a privilege and blessing to live here where the beauty surrounds us every day of the year. (see photos of what I am looking at on "Photos of God's World" page.
Nov. 4 - My gift yesterday was being at Scott's for his birthday. AND to see Scout and see how she has grown - a precious child. See pictures on "Photos of God's World" page.
Nov. 3 - My precious gift today is Scott's birth-day. He is such a joy and delight. I am so proud of all his achievements and his desire to make this world a better place as he travels to countries that put him in personal danger. He has a great sense of humor and we have a great time chatting about various things and issues and often end up trying to top each other with nonsensical rhymes, puns, etc. He has a kind and generous heart. Thank you, God, for Scott.
Nov. 2 - There were gifts all over the woods yesterday - a tree that looked like it was yawning wide, a beautiful old dead oak whose bare limbs contrasted to the blazing color behind it, a brilliant red leaf with a hole in it showing the green behind it, the intricate design of yellow fern leaves. Go to "Photos of God's World" page to see pictures of these and more.
Nov. 1 - My gift yesterday presented itself in the waiting room of the doctor's office. Mother and I were sitting close to an older couple (in their 80's) who were holding hands. The man was quite friendly and talkative and asked about my crocheting. We began talking and I asked if they had been married a long time. The woman, who was sitting quietly by his side with a little smile, said, "Just six weeks". Then the man told how they had both been widowed for years and met in a grocery store just a few months ago. I said that they looked very happy and she sweetly looked at him and said, "We are." He went on to tell about how he got the courage to start talking with her. It was a very touching story.
Oct. 31 - A gift this morning - the golden glow of the trees on the mountain across the road. This time of year, when the rising sun hits them they take on a brilliant glow that is breathtaking. Each morning they get more and more beautiful. See pictures on "Photos of God's World" page.
Oct. 30 - My gift yesterday was being able to capture just a little of the beauty slowing emerging in the trees. Every day there is more color as the mountain takes on the full range of God's colors. Such beauty and what a gift to live here in the midst of it all. To see some of my photos of the colors, go to "Photos of God's World" page.
Oct. 29 - Scott brought my gifts yesterday - 1. himself whom we haven't seen in awhile 2. An ornamental pepper plant he dug out of his garden. It has beautiful little red peppers on all over it and blooms for more. 3. And a gorgeous Maidenhair Fern (Pictures on Photos of God's World page).
Oct. 28 - My gift yesterday was having the day to rest, relax and recuperate from the craft show the day before. That may be my last "big" show with everything. "This ol' mare ain't what she used to be". Loading, unloading, loading, unloading and standing for literally 8 hours took it's toll this time. I appreciated the help of my husband and the staff at the club, they were great! It was fun showing (and selling) my crafts, seeing old friends and meeting new people.
Oct. 26 - My gift today is being able to participate in the Lake Arrowhead Fall Fest Art and Craft Show. It's a lot of work and preparation but fun to "show" all my handiwork. I wonder if people will like my new Glass Tabletop and Glass Yard and Patio Art?????
Oct. 24 - My special gift yesterday was my husband helping me get ready for the craft show. He volunteered to fix the stakes for the glass yard art. I love it when he "volunteers" for things. He's such a handyman! (See more photos of the yard art on "Photos of God's World" page)
Oct. 23 - My gift yesterday was a visit with Adam, Katy and, yes - Scout who was 4 weeks old that day. Mother and Dan got to see her for the first time. We had a hard time taking turns in holding her, no one wanted to give her up. She is such a good baby and and Adam and Katy are great parents. See pictures on "Photos of God's World' page.
Oct. 21 - My gift yesterday was attending our church service - great sermon, wonderful music, warm fellowship and the presence of God - doesn't get better than that!!
Oct. 20 - Every day my 92 year-old mother, Trudy who lives with us, looks forward to playing Rummy. So every evening, Dan, I and Mother play Rummy (Of course, we enjoy it too). It is very competitive and we all want to win, but I love seeing her expression when she wins. Her whole face changes and her eyes light up! We are very blessed to have these times with her - a gift!
Oct. 19 - I talked to the nicest young clerk in a store yesterday. He was very helpful, friendly and concerned about wrapping my glass purchases so they wouldn't break. Thank God for those clerks who want to do a great job and really be of service to the customers. And especially for the young people who are working and have such a good work ethic.
Oct. 18 - My gift yesterday was watching the beauty come out as I created my new craft, Glass Yard Art! It is so exciting to watch something (or someone) BECOMING something more and changing as different piece are added or subtracted. They are so beautiful! (Pictures later) Thanks to Jenny, my niece who got me started on this.
Oct. 17 - A great gift yesterday at our P.E.O. meeting. We heard a report about the International Convention in Dallas last month and learned that our international organization surpassed last year in the amount of scholarships awarded to women in pursuit of their education - millions $$. (See more pictures of the Texas trip on "Pictures of God's World" page)
Oct. 16 - We're back from a week in Texas to visit son, Dan and grandsons, Bobby & John. We are so thankful to be able to travel and spend time "on their turf" and meet their friends. It is a great gift to share the lives of those we love. See pictures on "Pictures of God's World" page.
Oct. 7 - My gift yesterday was being able to attend church, share the fellowship, music and hear a wonderful sermon by Rev. Tim Emmett. He talked about how embracing anger can separate us from God. We all may experience it but dwelling or acting on it, is actually a sin. I think his message probably touched everyone there. Photos of our church: go to PHOTOS OF GOD'S WORLD page.
Oct. 6 - Yesterday while walking my dog in the woods I saw this incredible sight. There was this large stump with jagged edges at the top all covered in green moss. There was an opening in the top of the stump and one side of the stump was open. The sun was streaming down through the top opening pouring light to the interior of the stump making it look, for all the world, like it was lit up. The interior looked like a lighted cathedral - thus, The Cathedral Stump! I couldn't quit looking at it and taking pictures. It was a gift that only I saw yesterday, so glad I passed that way and received my gift. Pictures of it on page: Photos of God's World.
Oct. 5 - My gift yesterday and for the last 55 years is son, Dan. He has been a joy and pleasure for all those years since I first held him as a newborn in the hospital with his little blond crew cut. Happy Birthday, Dan.
Oct. 2 - My gift yesterday was discovering these brilliant yellow fungi inside a log just below our deck. They were stacked liked dinner plates and about that large. I assume they are "Chicken of the Woods". Nature is full of wonderful surprises. They just wait for us to discover and enjoy them. God has such an imagination! Go to www.facebook.com to see photos.
Sept. 30 - Pictures of Scout, go to Page: Photos of God's World
Sept. 29 - I did! I saw little Scout yesterday and got to hold her for over two hours while she slept. She loves me, I can tell. Well, anyway, she is a very good baby, sleeps a lot but when she's awake, she is very alert. Those little bright eyes look like they are taking in everything. And, she has a dimple - just like Katy. It's a joy to see Adam and Katy with her. They are great parents! A precious gift!
Sept. 28 - I am so excited. I am going to see my great granddaughter, Scout, today for the first time. I can hardly wait to hold her. The gift of babies and the deep love they stir in our innermost being is beyond compare!
Sept. 26 - What a great week! The birth of a new great granddaughter - Scout Kinsley Meacham, daughter of grandson Adam Meacham and Katy Malmquist. She, of course, is beautiful. We are hoping that she has Adam's beautiful russet hair and Katy's stunning big eyes.
That was Tues. Wed. I went back to the Infectious Disease doctor. When I had seen him 5 weeks prior, he confirmed that I did have this severe bacterial lung infection and would need to be on 3 different antibiotics for 12-16 months, some with dire side effects (permanent blindness being one of them). I had said I didn't want to do anything at that time and felt that maybe the Lord had healed my lung at the same time he healed the fracture in my arm in a week. So last week I had another CAT scan and saw the doctor yesterday for the results.
He was smiling and said, "Good news, Carolyn. It is much better. In fact, it is almost gone, nothing to worry about. And I have to tell you, that this particular infection does NOT heal on its own, it must be treated, so I don't know why yours is better." I told him it did not heal on it's own, that the Lord did it. He just smiled and nodded his head.
Thank you, God, for all of your many blessings.
Sept. 25 - There's no doubt what my gift yesterday was - The birth of my great granddaughter, Scout Kirsten Meacham. That's five generations in our family. Adam and I discussed how miraculous it is to feel this incredibly strong love and attachment immediately with your child and your child's child and your grandson's child. I'm so glad that God planned it that way.
Sept. 22 - EVERYTHING enjoyed and appreciated the rain yesterday, but this morning the Mourning Doves also enjoyed and soaked up the sunshine. What a beautiful sight to see them settle down on the warm pebbles and spread their exquisitely patterned wings so the sun can get to them. They stay that way for the longest time. Such a gift!
Sept. 21 - It's raining! It's raining! A wonderful slow steady rain since this morning. All my plants needed it so badly and I was getting really tired of watering, watering, every day, dragging those hoses around. Besides, I love to hear the rain and smell the freshness of it. There is something so comforting and cozy about it (unless it goes on for days at a time or causes flooding like they've had in Colo.)
Sept. 20 - Today is the due date for Katy but no baby yet. If she doesn't decide to make her appearance before Mon. night, they will induce labor. I can hardly wait to see little Scout and to see Adam with her! Prayers for an easy birth and good health.
Sept. 19 - Yesterday brought a pleasant gift. I was just leaving my house and came to the top of this hill, fortunately not going very fast. A doe was leisurely crossing the road. I stopped the car, she stopped right close in front of my car, turned her head and looked at me intently. We were just eye to eye for the longest time. Then she turned her head back in the direction she was headed and leisurely proceeded across the road. I just sat there, still entranced by her gaze and wondered what she was thinking. I know I was thankful for the moment.
Sept. 16 - Spots of color in the trees - a red leaf here and there that catches the eye. Why do some leaves turn so much earlier than all the rest? But I'm glad they do. It's an early touch of beauty, just a little hint of what is just around the corner - all those vibrant colors of fall that I love so much.
Sept. 15 - My gift yesterday was picking the last four tomatoes on the vines. They weren't large but perfectly round, a rich deep red without a blemish. And they made a delicious, mouth-watering tomato sandwich for lunch. I will miss my fresh tomatoes but what a treat to have them over the summer (once again, thanks to Scott).
Sept. 14 - TWO gifts yesterday - visits from two of my children, Susan and Scott. Susan has so many responsibilities she doesn't get up here often so we thoroughly enjoyed seeing her. Scott was here to "work" as he often does. And, as usual, he moved rocks - I'm talking BIG rocks - to outline a new area to my flower bed. It's amazing to see how much he can move. And the new bed is really nice and will be beautiful next spring when I plant it. So many gifts - truly blessed!
Sept. 13 - I had a "special" gift yesterday. When I got up from my computer my eye caught a bright color outside the window. This beautiful golden leaf was caught between two trees in a cobweb, suspended there, gently moving and turning in the breeze with the sun spotlighting it from behind. It was like a beautiful ballet without the music. I grabbed my camera and took several pictures, turned around to get my other camera and when I turned back around, it was gone. This beautiful performance lasted only a minute or so and I was the privileged audience. Thank you, God, for all the unexpected wonders of your universe.
Sept. 12 - I was so moved yesterday to see all the beautiful tributes to the heroes and the families of 9-11. As a people and a nation we value the life of each individual and are notoriously and historically patriotic. I am still proud to be an American and so thankful that God gave me the gift of being born in this country.
Sept. 11 - A day to remember and to be thankful for what we have TODAY. I am so thankful for three wonderful loving, caring children. They are all making such a positive difference in this world. For instance, today Dan is hosting a Memorial Service for his best friend who died, Scott has gone to Ne. to see his 100 year-old grandmother, and Susan is probably working on her program to help the lives of inmates and dogs in her Canine Cellmates program.
Sept. 10 - My gift on Sun. was talking with my 17 year old grandson, John Jacobs. He is such a fine young man and we are so proud of him. He loves his government class and thinks he wants to enter politics. That is quite a challenge these days but we need good, honest, dedicated, knowledgeable people to run our government. John fits the bill!
Sept. 9 - I know this is weird, but I love to dig weeds; I love to see how much better it looks when I am done but I also just love to dig weeds. Maybe it is the experience of being close to the earth and getting my hands in the soil, maybe I get strength from that closeness. One things I know - it is therapeutic for me. If I am stressed, sad, frustrated or angry if I can get out for awhile and work in the yard, I just feel better. I'll bet you never thought of weeds as a gift - Yes, they can be.
Sept. 8 - My gift this morning is watching a large spider outside my window as he rides the web in the breeze and miraculously enlarges it spinning, spinning, spinning. The designs are intricate and beautiful as is the markings on his back.
Sept. 7 - Creating, creating, creating - that seems to be the mantra for my life. God gave me the gift of being able to see the possibilities in things and in people and I try to use that gift. It gives me great satisfaction and pleasure to see something "come into being". Is that how God felt when He created each of us? I wonder how He feels about each of us now!
Sept. 6 - My gift yesterday was hearing from so many different family members through a multitude of wonderful inventions - postal letter, telephone, email and Skype. We just use these things every day and don't give them much thought. Through all of these various modes of communication we are in touch with more people than we ever have been, we can hear their voices, read about their activities and thoughts, joys and concerns. What gifts these are.
Sept. 5 - My gift yesterday was seeing some of our beautiful flowers that are blooming right now. The Geraniums are gorgeous, with such intense colors. And the hummingbirds love them too.
Sept. 4 - My gift yesterday was Katy Huller, who was kind enough to come to the house and work with my friends,Lee and I on our websites. Aren't friends wonderful!!
Sept. 3 - I am so excited for son, Dan Jacobs. He is really making headway into showing and marketing his photography. Several gallery owners were amazed at his photography and are going to help him promote and show it. He has such a natural, gifted talent.
Sept. 2 - My gift yesterday was talking with Mom Jacobs (100 years old) in Ne. She sounded great and had spent the day at her daughter, Karen's where she had a great meal and good conversation. She is able to still stay in her own home (with help), read and beat any willing competitor at Pinochle! A Great Lady!
Aug. 31 - My gift yesterday was receiving a phone call from son, Scott, and learning that he is safe. He is in Baghdad helping their government during these very volatile, trying times. I am very proud of the work that he does and the sacrifices he's made to do it.
Aug. 30 - Got a card from Parisian friends, Sophie & Veronique who are vacationing at the family home in Normandy. It brought back memories of our visit there - the sun, the sea and "Aperitifs". What a charming place. It is always a gift to hear from those we love.
Aug. 29 - Books! Books! Books! Aren't they a blessing and a gift! I love going to our book club and hearing the different views and opinions about the book we just all read. Many of the books chosen by other members I would never have known about or read if I hadn't belonged to a book club. It is stimulating and has certainly expanded my knowledge and pleasure.
Aug. 27 - My gift yesterday was reading some of my mother's poetry that she wrote years ago, many of which she didn't remember writing. Some of the poems brought back memories of things she hadn't thought of in years. We had many good laughs over them. She has been blessed with a wild imagination and a great sense of humor. I am so thankful that we can share the memories and laughter.
Aug. 26 - I've had several gifts since Aug. 20 but my gift yesterday was attending church and hearing some great music sung by singer/guitarist, Geoff Reid and hearing Rev. Tim Emmett's moving sermon. Much of the service was centered on healing so I felt like it was "my service." My healing continues with my fracture and rotator cuff completely healed and my broken toe healed in two days. Praise the Lord!
Aug. 20 - My gift yesterday was being able to sew and decorate some new towels for our bathroom. Sewing has been a real joy over many, many years. I first started sewing when I was about seven years old, making clothes for my dolls, designing and fitting them. Then I graduated to making some of my clothes and then my children's. Thank you, Mother, for teaching me to sew.
Aug. 19 - My gift yesterday was Scott's visit (bringing lunch) to see us before he left for Bangkok and Baghdad today. I am proud of him for the work he does with countries who are struggling economically, but we are very concerned about his safety and pray for him every day.
Aug. 18 - What a treat to be with friends and celebrate Gloria Anderson's birthday. Friends are definitely a gift from God and relationships are what life is all about. The most important relationship is with our Creator!
Aug. 17 - My gift yesterday was seeing the email photos from son, Dan. They are strikingly gorgeous. He has such talent. I am so glad that he is pursuing sharing them with the world. Beauty should be shared and enjoyed!
Aug. 16 - Yesterday my Physical Therapist was amazed that I am not having any problem at all with my arm and shoulder that had the fracture and torn rotator cuff - full range of motion and strength. God did that even before I saw the P.T. What a gift!
Aug. 15 - My gift yesterday was feeling a little under the weather so just read most of the day. Aren't books a real gift, transporting you to exotic places, feeding your soul, or enriching your mind!
Aug. 14 - My gift yesterday and every day is our dog, Charlie. He is a delight, makes me feel special, and is just happy to be here. When he sees me in the morning, he begins wiggling from the tip of his tail up to his head until everything is moving. He reminds me that each new day is such a gift from God and that we should live every minute with an intense thankfulness - maybe even wiggle with delight! (See pictures on my Face book page)
Aug. 13 - My gift yesterday was receiving a phone call from son, Dan, learning that he arrived home safely after a canoe trip in Oregon and Washington. I'm anxious to see his beautiful photos.
Aug. 12 - My gift yesterday evening was playing cards with my mother and husband. Our rummy games can get pretty competitive but it is fun no matter who wins. It is just nice to spend time together.
Aug. 11 - My gift yesterday was being able to celebrate my grandson's, Adam, birthday with him. We are proud of the person he has become and wish him a wonderful future.
Aug. 10 - My gift yesterday was riding in the N. Georgia mountains, reminding me again of the beauty and intricacies of God's world. These old, old mountains seem to be filled with the rich, beautiful and tragic memories of the past - lessons to be learned if we will only listen.
Aug. 9 - My gift yesterday was playing cards and having fun with Mother, Dan, Bobby & Windy. What a gift it is to be able to enjoy doing things with your family. We have some wild games!
Aug. 8 - Many gifts yesterday - It was great listening to the experiences of Bobby, Windy and Dorothy tell about their mission experiences in the different countries. Thank God for such wonderful, dedicated people who are willing to let Him work through them to help so many others. We are so proud of Bobby. He is such a fine young man.
Aug. 6 - What a blessing to see our grandson, Bobby, again. And it was a real pleasure to meet his girlfriend, Windy, and his dog, Zoe. They are all such a pleasure to be around.
Aug. 5 - What a gift yesterday to go to Adam & Katy's baby shower and see the joy on their faces as they receive such lovely gifts from family & friends. (Go to my page on facebook to see photos of the shower)
Aug. 4 - My gift yesterday was a tiny little moth on the window. It was only about 1/2 in. in all. The body was white but the wings were almost invisible, transparent things of beauty. They had intricate webbing designs that became visible as one studied them. It was almost as if one touched them, they would dissolve from sight completely.
Aug. 3 - My gift yesterday was another call from grandson, Adam. He says he is going to call me every day for a month. How great is that! I love hearing about his daily activities, thoughts on things and just chatting in general. Thank you, God, for grandsons!
Aug. 2 - My gift yesterday was learning from my doctor that I do not have to have surgery. I do, indeed, have a fracture in the upper left arm with a bone chip, a slight tear in my rotator cuff and bursitis in my shoulder - all from my fall in May. However, the P.T. says I have full range of motion, strength and movement. So all that was very good news. Halleluiah!